What am I doing right now?

This is a now page, inspired by Derek Sivers. It shows you (and reminds me) what I’m focused on right now. Last updated on 20th November 2022.

✨ Inspiration ✨

To be on the lookout for inspiration (and learning opportunities) in journalism is at the core of what I do – it’s also something I’ve really struggled with this year. I seldom felt inspired. (The never ending pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis and a general feeling of doom might have also contributed.)

But it also motivated me to broaden my inspiration horizon. While I know of nearly everything that’s happening in and around journalism in the USA, I know very little about interesting things happening in my neighboring countries here in Europe.

Since I failed to find an existing overview – tadaaa – I started a newsletter that curates interesting/innovative approaches to (digital) journalism in Europe. đź“® If you like, you can sign up here.


My work focus is on digital format developing and right now I’m trying out ways AI can support teams in the (sometimes lengthy) developing process. So far the results are a mixed bag – for ex. AI is a great help when summarising real user interviews and can build pretty good personae based on the interviews. But when asked to build a persona from scratch, with guidelines but without actual interviews, the results are very basic and mostly based on stereotypes.

👉If you’re also focused on the topic – I would love to exchange learnings -> Drop me a line mail(at)isabelhummel.de

đź‘‹ Connection đź‘‹

This year much of my work focus has been centered around connection – at our regional public broadcaster I now run a monthly meet up for social format developers and I curate the monthly Socialletter. It’s an internal newsletter aiming to foster more understanding between journalists working in linear and non-linear media at our broadcaster. And hopefully spark some crossover-creativity.

I also started reaching out to (former) colleagues to meet up IRL around certain topics – and it’s giving me such an energy boost. So I decided to search out more connecting opportunities in the next year.
I’ll post my plans here and if you happen to attend too and fancy a chat – let me know:

Next stops:
23.-25.11.22 Brussels – European Journalism Symposium / Assises EuropĂ©ennes Du Journalisme

19.-23.04.2023 Perugia – International Journalism Festival 

05.-07.06.2023 Berlin – re:publica